August 5, 2012

of note: 8/5/2012

1. man on the stair master at the gym had these arms that could have been cut from marble, his skin was literally glistening, i stared at him for way too long, couldn't look away, kept thinking 'why aren't you on tv, why are you here and not in london'
2. started raining right as i got home today, has been raining all evening and night, seems like a real good/comforting rain
3. had 4 'steps' to the revision process for my thesis draft due september 1, finished step 2 today :)
4. i feel very tired, but in a satisfying way, feels earned
5. had time to relax after working today, finally got to read 'dear dj' by mason johnson. got really excited to read this via hype and cuteness involving editing process/cassandra gillig, was not disappointed, was a real cool ebook. things i still want to read: 'american idle' by jae dyche and patrick trotti, 'i imagine you in your house, cleaning your chest' by sarah jean alexander, things by mike bushnell and buttercup mcgillicuddy that they gave/sent me to read

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