March 26, 2011

welcome to the futurepast

1. first thing's first on this fine saturday.

get money!! this baby is cool i think. and yes folks, i am related to the little nugget. click here for more photos, if you like.

2. clothing of the futurepast.

they weren't too far off, at first. although transparent net happened in the 90s. but then they just started getting silly... a device to find an "honest man"? they're not real. get your head in the game, 1930s. i'd feel differently if men actually were outfitted with containers to store "candy for QTs"... a girl always loves a lil treat, especially from the unmarked flask on your hip. 

3. i'm reading a gesture life by chang-rae lee. 

i picked it up for class, and lee is coming to the university of maryland this wednesday for writers here and now (free and open to the public! come if you're in the area). i went into the book expecting to be bored by it, with no real reasons grounding that feeling except that he's won a bunch of awards and the cover is lame. but so far, it kind of rocks. i'm only a third through, so maybe i'm building up the secrets too much but there have been some really lovely, gruesome moments so far and the language is elegant without pretension. i might just read native speaker after all.

3. i know i plug let people poems (let them, just let them okay? they get mad if you don't) all the time, but i put a poem up there a couple of days ago and i forgot to say anything. 

3. are you still reading this? go outside, spring is taking some baby steps today.

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