January 10, 2012

things i do when i am supposed to be getting work done at the library while jackson is in class:

-read through a lot of facebook stories
-kick off my shoes and rub my feet together like mad to relieve sandfly bites, feel sneaky while doing this
-stare intently at a face on the desk
-gaze wistfully out at the wellington harbor and somes island
-watch clouds 'scuttle' (this is a real thing here, i see these clouds and i think 'scuttle', who am i) across the sky
-read an email from one of my high school teachers about writing a letter of rec for me but during which he comments that 'Facebook tells me that you're madly in love and enjoying life like never before' which makes me feel slightly embarrassed at first and then like i just need to 'own it'
-respond saying i am in love
-read through an old document about my qualifications to work as a tutor for juvenile delinquents in college, feel embarrassed about the level of detail i went into at that time
-transfer photos like this one from my phone to my computer
-feel mildly worried about data rates here and make sure my data plan is still turned off
-label this photo 'jaxboost1.jpg' because there are more to come
-text ben rosamond about meeting up with him in napier tonight
-feel moderate anxiety about driving on the left side of the road in 2-3 hours
-look at the time for the oejfew2-0u0-1th time and wonder if jax will get out of class early so i can stop being so productive
-click edit and tweak things in this post at least 10 times

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